Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 31, 2015

Block Buster Backblast

Today 6 of Isotope’s finest (Mortimer, Blackbeard, Primetime, Mr. Burns and Jock Strap) post on F3 Gastonia soil to claim the NC Ghost Flag at The Storm… but they need to live through Dolph’s classic #SnotWoggler first…

Warmup in the parking lot included SSH, IW, probably some squats… YHC has poor STM.

Everyone grabs a cider block (don’t worry, BA and Outhouse brought extra) and mosey’s to the track for the pledge.

The Thang (with cinder blocks)

  • Chest Press IC x 20
  • Squat Press IC x 20
  • Curl IC x 20
  • Arm Raises IC x 20
  • Bendovers (not sure about the name here) IC x 20
  • Double Applesauce for 2 laps.  Dolph’s team does this warp speed of course.  Oh, yeah… you can leave your cinder blocks – no need to run with them.

Rinse and Repeat x 3

Downtown Invasion

Outhouse and Bandit co-Q the inaugural F3 Gastonia Downtown workout.  Lot’s of great new stuff here to keep workouts new and fresh.  Weather report for today… uh, not sure it was dark – but it was quite breezy and not too hot/humid for a change.

We had 11 dedicated regulars post for today’s beatdown.

As the PAX gathers on the bricks below the prominent covered pavaillion, Bandit gets things going with the Warmup…

  • SSH IC x30
  • Don Quixote x20
  • Merkins x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x10
  • Imperial Walkers x 10

Indian Run (regular, not GasHouse style) – As we take a few laps around parking lot just to the east of the pavillion, we hear the bells from Santa’s sleigh…no, wait… oh, its everyone’s keys in their pockets. #KeyJangle.  We finish up at the parking lot exist on Marietta St.

Next exercise is…  Using the large square planter… Dips IC x 20

Next exercise is… Step Up Karioke.   Making use of the stone flower boxes along Marietta between the parking lot and Long Ave we move North while doing step-ups on boxes.  At Long Ave… sprint back to start.  Plank and wait for Dr. Feelgood with his kneebrace (stud!).

Ok… so we are really having some fun now.  Next, I’m sure is a first for any F3 Gastonia workout… we mosey south along Marietta for Ascending Testicles (look it up).  Derkins @ 10 deg IC x 10, Derkins @ 45 deg IC x 5, Derkins (or just hold on for dear life) @ 90 deg OYO.  That was awesome!  Definately going to do that again.

Next we mosey south to Convention Center parking lot on Franklin Blvd.  Outhouse takes over.

Outhouse directs the PAX into the parking deck for Sprints across the decks and Bear Crawls up the inclines between floors.  I think that was up 2 floors which was 4 sprints and 4 bear crawls.  Parking decks are another new feature for F3 Gastonia workouts.  Sweet!  or Sweat… either way.

Next we split into two teams for Eleven’s up and down the stairs (2 floors) with Merkins and Star Jacks.  Each team takes on seperate stairways.  More #KeyJangle.

Back at the top, we hit the wall for some…

  • Marching People’s Chair IC x 20 (Like People’s Chair but marching in place)
  • Donkey Kicks IC x 10 (Thanks Aquaman for bringing us this gem)

Next we mosey down the stairs and out to the Louvre de Gastonia to briefly enjoy the sculpture.  The enjoyment is short, as we immediately commence the Wave of Merkins. Each PAX does 5 reps.

Bandit picks up for the final stretch and surprises all by not including the Dying Cockroach… instead he goes with LBC’s  IC x 30.  Followed by mosey west on West Main Ave, turn right on S. York St and immediately right into parking lot back to pavillion.

This place is gonna be great!  Come check it out.




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