Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: JJ (Page 2 of 15)


4 PAX gathered on The Halfpipe to try and continue to recover from the past weekend’s events. 2 relayers and 2 halfers moseyed up and down from start to finish.

We did announcements, prayer requests, and Defib took us out in prayer.

Until next time…

As I Recall…

Timely backblasts are helpful to accurately capture what went down during a workout. However, life can happen in between the time of the workout and the recording of the events. This is one of those cases. It has been less than 30 hours since yesterday’s session of The Halfpipe, but the events are a bit fuzzy. YHC posted at Midoriyama yesterday. What I witnessed there left me a bit scarred. I’ll let the Q handle that backblast but let’s just say there were Pickle Pounders, Baby Makers, and an old-fashioned Tunnel of Love. Trying to clear my memory of the sights and sounds I witnessed, I may have inadvertently erased some memories from earlier in the day (had to make sure that afternoon was wiped clean).

Here’s how I remember yesterday going down…

Woke up to the alarm going off and couldn’t figure out what day it was. Saw the time and realized it was Tuesday. Halfpipe day…

Completed the 1 mile mosey from Casa de JJ to The Halfpipe to find no one there. No runners, no cars in the parking lot, empty. Did I have the right day? Was it really Tuesday? Was I still asleep? Then like a glowing beacon in the night, a shining angel decended from the sky. Actually, I was still a little sleppy-eyed, and it was just Stroganoff running down the hill from the far side of The Halfpipe after getting there early. As we ran, several vehicles came flying through the neighborhood as 0515 approached. We found Defib, Whoopee, and Sargento as we ran past. “It’s 0515, this is The Halfpipe, today’s route is up and back on the hills, go at your own pace.”

As we moseyed up the hill, YHC noticed an orange Home Depot bucket in the street. YHC has asked someone to sit on the bucket with a clipboard and record the laps for each runner since Strava doesn’t seem to accurately count Halfpipe segments on my watch. That’s accountability. The Halfpipe may be seasonal, but it’s not some JV AO where minimal effort is given. Your point is earned here brother. So about the missing lap counter, either this person 1) was kidnapped, 2) got scared because they too thought that Stroganoff was an angel descending upon them, or 3) realized they weren’t getting paid for this, got mad it was 515 in the morning, and kicked the bucket into the road. Probably the latter…

After we’d completed about 10 total loops, we were on the far side about to pass by one of the side streets. Any seasoned Halfpiper (Halfpipian, Halfpipitite?) would attest to the fact that Stop signs in the Kinmere neighborhood are for decoration only and that stopping at said Stop sign is totally optional. As we approached one of the giant red decorative art displays, a car came speeding towards the same intersection. With the boldness of Joshua and the Israelites as they marched around Jericho, our band of brave Halfpipian warriors crossed in front of this mechanical beast as it came to a stop just in front of the intersection. Truer bravery has the land of SOGA not seen in quite some time.

After at least a dozon more loops, we neared the Gaston Day side of the Halfpipe, and at this point, Whoopee made a grand statement that he was going to the front. YHC doesdn’t think that everyone heard exactly what he said so we were all kinda quiet for a few seconds as we each internally tried to decifer the meaning of this declaration. Someone chimed in with, “I hoped he remembers that he parked his truck here.” This then led to the fear that Whoopee would mosey his way back to the secret Dutch Oven AO to find his vehicle was gone (possibly stolen by the kidnappers who took the lap counter). At some point, he would remember that he’d parked at The Halfpipe and wait for Stroganoff to return and drive him back. You’d think he’d just run back since he loves running so much. To kill the time, he would just take a nap on Stroganoff’s front porch where, to her horror, Mrs. Stroganoff would find a strange man sleeping on her front porch. In fear because she knew her husband was out doing whatever he does at 0530 in the morning, she called the police. Knowing none of this, Stroganoff would return to his home to find blue lights in front of his house and Whoopee in the back seat of a patrol car. That would have led to some great conversations during the Dam to Dam Relay this weekend. Fortunately, Whoopee meant he was just running to the front of the Kinmere neighborhood and we caught up to him after a single loop.

After another half-dozen loops, Sargento made an annoucement that he was starting a new AO. Right then, right there. Being the great organizer that he is, he’d already given this new AO a name, the BWRC (#ShowToKnow on this one…). At this point, the BWRC PAX broke off to continue their workout. Sargento was excited and wanted to check the F3 Gastonia record books. With his upcoming Q at Midoriyama that evening, he thought he may be the first with a TRIPLE POST in one day. 1st FQ Defib was on-site at The Halfpipe so YHC is sure that Sargento inquired about the number of bonus points that would be awarded for a TRIPLE POST.

After at least 10 more loops, the PAX paused for the COT.

2F lunch, Belmont Pita Wheel, 2/21
That’s it, that’s the list

Prayer Request
Stroganoff’s Mother-in-law, showing improvements
Safe travels for the runners coming up this weekend
Safe travels for a family member traveling. Names are redacted because this sounded like more of a CIA mission. Travel through Argentina to Antartica. There was talks of being tied down to a bed. (From the mumble chatter at Midoriyama yesterday, it sounds like some of those guys would like more details on that for their Valentine’s Day celebration.)

At this point, some PAX left while others continued on for additional loops.

Those that were left paused again for a 2nd unofficial COT. Eventually, it felt like that awkward point of a party where everybody wants to go home, but no one wants to be the first one to leave. Also in the second COT, we had another runner pass by that YHC doesn’t believe we’ve seen out there before. YHC was going to count him as an FNG for 5 additional pushing rock points, but maybe we’ll do that next week.

All I know is that all of this is 100% ACCURATE based on how I remember things going.

Until next time…

Plate Tectonics

At this week’s edition of The Halfpipe, we discussed various topics including the moon and how the Halfpipe hills seemed steeper this week probably due to the Earth’s subterranean movements. Apparently, stop signs are still optional in the Kinmere neighborhood.

5 ran, 1+ rucked. Scrat was there and evidently he had something for dinner the night before that caused him to drop a present with an aroma that may have woken up the neighbors.

“Same as yesterday”

Prayer Requests
Dr Feelgood’s family
Stroganoff’s Mother-in-law
Harry Petrie

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Distance Matters

After disappointing Strava the day before at The Labyrinth, YHC was determined to put in enough distance to satisfy Strava.

Last week at The Pub, the discussion centered around which direction of the Defib route was worse as we ran it the regular way.. This week, we’d run it in reverse to have a sample of each.

  1. Seems like the majority of the PAX had put in some EC so everyone was ready to go.

The Pledge.

Reverse Defib route… Heard there were only 3 hills but after about 9, YHC wasn’t sure which climb was the worst.

A caucus was formed to see which route was preferred. More hands were raised for the reverse, but I’m not really sure about the integrity of the votw.

Pushin Rocks starts 2/1
Tobacco Road 4/27
Ville to Ville – Termite looking for runners
Speed For Need at Community Foundation Run
Lifeline coffeteria starting 1/29
Folsom Winter Nationals 2/10 – All other AOs closed
Night to Shine 2/9 – see Maybelline for details

Prayer Requesta
Luke Newsom – Broke Coworker’s son in an accident
Virus’s Father-in-law

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Strava must be a female

You’ll have to wait until the end for the explanation. The lead-up to that realization went something like this…

Showed up to Pelican’s to find several vehicles in the parking lot and a scene that could be truly called “the gloom”.

0530 so let’s go. Quick disclaimer.

The Pledge

SSH IC x 17
Needed some help getting moving so a lap around Pelican’s.
Merkins x 17
Another lap around the building
LBCs IC x 17 (these were popular given the cold wet pavement)
Another lap around the building
Imperial Walkers IC x 17
Another lap around the building with a mosey continuing down the street towards Gastone’s Hill.

Stop at the Family Medicine building parking lot for a round of Elevens
10 Mike Tysons and 1 Jump Squat
You know the deal… Repeat until 1 Mike Tyson and 10 Jump Squats

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill. And then up Gastone’s Hill. And then down Gastone’s Hill.

Next round up the hill was Route 66 with Merkins stopping at each mailbox.

At the top, Flutter Kicks IC x 17. Crunchy Frogs IC x 7. LBCs IC x 10. (or something like this…)

Mosey back down the hill. Back towards the flag, but more Route 66 with stops at the light posts and Squats.

With time remaining and no desire to do Mary on the wet pavement to close, we moseyed to the mini-wall for Mary on the Wall.

Step-Ups – 10 each leg
Dips IC x 10
Derkins x 7 (once again, counts are estimated based on memory)

Mosey to the flag.

Night to Shine 2/9 (See Maybelline for details)
Folsom Winter Nationals – Convergence 2/10

Prayer Requests
Mason and Cherry families
EZ Rider’s Mother-in-law’s sister passed away
Member of EZ Rider’s Father-in-law’s church

Prayer to take us out…

So you may be wondering how it was determined that Strava is a female. About half-way through the workout, I noticed my watch was not tracking my distance. This happens about 4-5 times a year when it doesn’t pick up the GPS signal before starting the workout even though it says it has picked it up (That’s not how we know Strava’s a female). When the workout was over, I ended the workout on my watch but got the message, “Strava needs a longer activity to upload. Do you want to discard this one?” I read that message out loud to which one of the PAX responded, “That’s what she said.” My activity was inadequate for Strava. Public embarrassment. Hate to see it. Guess we’ll try again next time…


Sometimes workouts fly by, other times like this day, it seems like time stands still. We kept moving, and there was plenty of mumble chatter. Could have been that extra 15 minutes compared to a weekday workout… regardless, it went something like this.

0700 hit so it was time to go. Quick disclaimer

The Pledge

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Bootcampers took off while the Pain Labbers stayed with Linus.

Mosey to the circle in front of 1st Pres for what I called a variant of Triple Nickel which confused everyone because it wasn’t the traditional Triple Nickel.

5 exercises, 5 count of each, then a lap, 5 times (see that’s sort of a Triple Nickel).
We did BLIMPs so the PAX said it was BLIMPs not Triple Nickel (YHC was the Q so it could be both)
Imperial Walkers
Peter Parkers

Mosey to the top of the steps. The news had just come out that Sports Illustrated would be no more. My childhood and teenage years consisted of reading SI cover to cover each week when it came in the mailbox. So in memorial, we’d run some partner cover to covers.
Under the Cover at The Pad, Partner 1 would AMRAP an exercise. Partner 2 would mosey to the cover at the lower entrance and back. Then, Partner 1 would run and Partner 2 would exercise
First round consisted of Merkins, Reverse Crunches, and Squats
Second round was PAX choice and consisted of Mtn Climbers, Somethings, and (I believe) Flutter Kicks

Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot near the ballfield. Four Core-ner time…
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries, 30 LBCs
Corner 4 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries, 30 LBCs, 40 Flutter Kicks

De-escalate and unstack
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries, 30 LBCs
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercuries
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs

Mosey to the small parking lot next to the church for “Real Triple Nickels”
Round 1 – 5 Dips on 1 side, mosey to other side for 5 Derkins, repeat 5 times
Round 2 – 5 Calf Raises on 1 side, mosey to the other side for 5 Hip Slappers

With time still remaining, mosey to the Shiele for Wall Sits.
Air Presses IC x 10
March in Place IC x 10

Mosey to the flag in time for Stroganoff to call Flutter Kicks. Finally, the bell.

It was the last day to sign up for Pushin’ Rocks Challenge

Prayer Requests

COT was short because the princesses were cold.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Your Distance, Your Pace

That was the old mantra at The Pub, and in some ways, it was lived out today.

0530 with 4 PAX ready to go.

Route would be the Wells Fargo Route. The need arose for one PAX to stay close to the flag so he modified to stay close to home base with another PAX joining him in that journey. The other two ran the route at a moderate pace which both agreed was much needed.

The purpose of saying all that is no matter where you are in your running ability, don’t be afraid to post at a running AO. There is always the opportunity to run your distance and your pace with an almost guaranteed assurance that someone will join you on your journey.

Beer Mile 12/30
New Years Convergence @ Martha’s 0700 on 1/1

Prayer Requests
Turtleman and family
Sledge and family
Tesla and family

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…


YHC put together a weinke with a pre-Christmas theme to mirror all the hustle and bustle activities common this time of year. Little did the Q know but some of the PAX hit some EC prior to the workout. They not only warmed up their legs but apparantly the mumble chatter was warm and ready to go when the clock struck 0700.

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC… this is where the Tez Walker hate began. Something was mentioned about quitting at some point so YHC let the PAX continue doing Merkins until the Q was the only one still going.
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 12

Turned Pain Lab over to Hunk a Junk and bootcamp went on a mosey.

Just like so many college and high school kids in the past week, in the Grier parking lot, we took EXAMS.
Partner 1 ran while Partner 2 performed an exercise. Then, switch until both partners performed all 5 exercises.
E – E2K (show to know or look it up in the lexicon)
X – X-Factor
A – American Hammers
M – Monkey Humpers
S – Squats

Left out of the parking lot towards New Hope. Stop at the office park. Got some Christmas shopping to do, but first we have to stop by the ATM for some cash. Same concept, one Partner runs while the other does an exercise. A – Alternating Shoulder Taps
T – Tempo Merkins
M – Merkins

The mumble chatter continued… and continued… and continued…

With cash in hand, it was time to visit Ollie’s. Shopping list included a set of Four Core-ners.
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs,
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers, 30 LBCs
Corner 4 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers, 30 LBCs 40 Flutter Kicks

With time left, the PAX got to choose things on their list.
Mosey half-way down the lane where Sargento picked something
Mosey to the end of the lane where Whoopee picked SSH
Mosey half-way back where somebody picked something else
Mosey to the end of the lane where Short Sale picked Jingle Balls or some variation.

Time was running out so time to mosey back. Stop for a burpee at each of the drive entrances.

Stop at the Grier parking lot where the PAX lunged from the road hump to the crosswalk.

Mosey back to start where Stroganoff had us flutter kick til the bell.

This recap does not due justice to the amount of mumble chatter during this workout. Fun was had by all.

2nd F lunch @ Hickory Tavern 12/20
Special Q at Gashouse next Sat (12/23)
Beer mile (12/30) HC to Sargento

Prayer Requests
Sledge’s mom

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

The Chanukah Song

At some point late in Maybelline’s Q last week, one of the works of America’s finest creative geniuses was brought up. Yes, The Chanukah Song by Adam Sandler. Why is not important, but the fact it was stirred a thought in YHC’s mind. Could a weinke be created for this timeless treasure. The attempt went something like this…

Nothing to do with injury or suggestions, but rather a hint of the craziness to come.

The Pledge

Everyone sing along…

Put on your yarmulke
Here comes Chanukah
So much funukkah
To celebrate Chanukah
Chanukah is the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights

SSH IC x 8
Moroccan Night Clubs IC x 8
Squats IC x 8
Merkins IC x 8
Mtn Climbers IC x 8
LBCs IC x 8
Imperial Walkers IC x 8
Burpees x 8

Mosey to the parking lot at the park

When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree Here’s a list of people who are Jewish just like you and me David Lee Roth lights the menorah
So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late Dinah Shore-ah Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli?
Bowzer from Sha Na Na and Arthur Fonzarelli

Eight’s (think of Eleven’s but Chanukah style)
Run to the other side of the parking lot for 1 Jump Squat
Run back for 7 (Son of a) Nutcrackers (Stand with hands in the air, lunge and arms down towards the crotch)
Repeat until the count was flipped

Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot

Paul Newman’s half Jewish, Goldie Hawn’s half, too
Put them together, what a fine lookin’ Jew
You don’t need “Deck The Halls” or “Jingle Bell Rock”
‘Cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, both Jewish

In honor Paul and Ms Hawn, partner up. Start in the middle of the parking lot.
Partners run to the opposite sides and do 1 burpee
Run back to the middle for a Boo-yah Merkin
Rinse and repeat and increase Boo-yah count each time until you get to 8
8, the number of Best Actor Oscars that Paul Newman won

Put on your yarmulke
It’s time for Chanukah
The owner of the Seattle Supersonic-ahs
Celebrates Chanukah
O.J. Simpson, not a Jew
But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Carew, he converted
We got Ann Landers and her sister, Dear Abby
Harrison Ford’s a quarter Jewish, not too shabby

Next, the only thing in the F3 Exicon with the word quarter in it… Quarter Pounder
Starting at a light pole, run to the next light pole then 25 Mike Tysons
Run back to first light pole, then run to the second light pole then 50 Flutters
Back to first light pole, then run to the third light pole then 75 LBCs
Back to first light pole, then run to the fourth light pole then 100 SSH

Mosey to the front of the turd shack.

Some people think that Ebenezer Scrooge is
Well, he’s not, but guess who is?
All three Stooges

Triple Triangle for the Stooges
Run to first corner Monkey Humpers x 30
Run to second corner for LBCs x 30
Run to third corner for CDDs x 30

The counts got a little fuzzy (Q fail) but round 2 cleared it up
Run to first corner Monkey Humpers x 20
Run to second corner for LBCs x 20
Run to third corner for CDDs x 20

Repeat a third time with a count of 10. Shemp was mentioned at some point so we did one more round with 30 Squats at the three corners for the forgotten Stooge

So many Jews are in showbiz
Tom Cruise isn’t, but I heard his agent is
Tell your friend, Veronica
It’s time you celebrate Chanukah
I hope I get a harmonica
On this lovely, lovely Chanukah
So drink your gin and tonic-ah
And smoke your marijuani-khah
If you really, really wanna-kah
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Chanukah

To get smoked on the way back, we sprinted to the next light pole and then 5 merkins. Rinse and repeat to the front gate.

Mosey to the flag.

Site Q called Oblique Crunches x 8 on each side as a final Chanukah gift to the PAX.

2nd F lunch, 12/20 Hickory Tavern @ The Pub site in SOGA
Beer Mile 12/30 (I believe)

Prayer Requests
Simpson family
Greg Deals (F3 Wimpy), his mother passed
Buss family, Dan lost his wife Michelle to pancreatic cancer
EZ Rider’s son

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

What exactly would you say you do here?

As Site Q at The Sandlot, YHC tries to take the Q from time to time. PAX have been great at stepping up so taking Q this last Monday in November was by choice and not necessity. Little did the Site Q know that this was an unannouced audit. Former Sandlot Site Q and current 1F Q, Flintstone, was part of the PAX shaking off the calorie cobwebs from a long holiday weekend. This felt a little like the two Bob’s from Office Space showing up to see how things were running at the the premiere Monday SOGA AO. “What exactly would you say you do here?” He did such a great job leading this workout for so long, and I’m sure he wanted to make sure we hadn’t let things go downhill.

0530 so let’s get going

SSH IC x 12
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

The Pledge

Mosey to the top of the parking lot in the park.

Quick background on the design of the weinke. While watching in horror and embarrassment at what was taking place on that ill-kept football field in Raleigh on Saturday night, YHC tried to distract himself with thoughts of literally anything else. Thoughts of how to better condition this soft team led to the idea of running, lots of running.

Thoughts of using the islands in the parking lot to run suicides seemed a little much given the number of islands and distance involved. So we’d improvise to shifting suicides.

Run to the second island for 10 Merkins. Then, run back an island for 10 Reverse Crunches. Then, forward two islands for 10 Merkins. Then, back an island for 10 Reverse Crunches. Rinse and repeat until you reached the other end of the parking lot. That would be 100 Merkins and 100 Reverse Crunches. This two steps forward and one step back mirrored YHC’s favorite college football team (except it was more like one step forward and two leaps back the last couple of years).

Mosey down to the soccer fields. Here were’d run some Suicide Triple Nickle.
Start at midfield and run towards the sideline stopping at a line conveniently drawn on the pitch for 5 Mike Tysons. Run back towards the line at midfield. Run back past the first line to the sideline for 5 Jump Squats. Then back to the line at midfield. Rinse and repeat this 5 times.

We weren’t done though. Much like Kurt Russell playing Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle, the Q said, “Again!”

Another round of Suicide Triple Nickle with Seal Jacks and Plank Jacks.

“Again!” this time with PAX choice. Flintstone chose American Hammers and Maybelline chose Nolan Ryans.

Time to mosey back. After passing the turd shack, stop at each light pole for 5 Merkins. This continued outside the park and all the way back to Snoball’s.

Back in time for one round of Mary in which Winehouse chose LBCs.

Convergence/Christmas Party ($10 per person) 12/2
Beer Ruck 12/9
Beer Mile 12/30

Prayer Requests
Simpson family – Maybelline’s Co-worker, potential treatment
Bubba Sparxxx family
Jackson Hall
Kids as they finish the semester

Prayer to take us out.

Maybe it was the thoughts of concern for the prayer request, maybe it was the lack of blood flow to the brain after all the suicide runs, or maybe it was the distraction of the bright, flashing “OPEN” sign at Snoball’s, but YHC had forgotten the Name-o-rama. The 1F Q was standing there will his clipboard to call out the oversight. That will surely be a significant point reduction on the audit score. Hoping The Sandlot can retain the A rating.

Until next time…

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