• Post Type:
  • When: 06/15/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Monk
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Stroganoff, Gastone, Defib

It was the minute before beatdown, when all through the PAX, only four HIM were stirring and none could relax. For Whoopie told one of them th’evening before, that he would show up at the Pub for one more. He must have been nestled all snug in his bed, as visions of Caroline danced in his head. And we happy HIM entertained for a time, the notion of running to Audubon Dr. 1299; to raise on his lawn and in cadence a clatter, so he’d rise from his bed to see wha’ t’was the matter; away to the window he’d fly like a flash, tear open the shutters and throw up the sash, and the moon on the rear of each HIM would he see, th’ monkey humper salute giv’n w/ glee…

… and then we thought better of it, and ran in the other direction. 5 mi, 45 min

A pleasure to be with you happy few.
